Thursday, July 9, 2015

Our Tadpoles

July 9, 2015

     Several weeks ago, when we had the first big rains, our children’s small plastic pool was overflowing with water.  Several days went by and our children wanted to play out in the pool.  After going out to check the water we noticed hundreds of little black things swimming in the water.

     After a closer look we discovered they were hundreds of tadpoles swimming in the pool.  My daughter and youngest son were so excited to see tadpoles in their swimming pool. 

     Conflicted, my daughter and son wanted to go swimming, but the pool had to be dumped out and refilled.  Lillyan, my daughter, didn’t want to kill the tadpoles.  She said “we can’t take them out they don’t have their lungs yet”, so innocent.  She was crying not wanting to kill the tadpoles, but still wanted to go swimming.

     I explained to her that those hundreds of tadpoles would eventually turn into hundreds of frogs.  She got even more excited then, not the reaction I was looking for.  So we came to a compromise, I told her she could save some of the tadpoles in another container, and we would clean the pool out.  This way she could go swimming, and still save some of her tadpoles.

     So of course, they got one of my good Tupperware cake taker containers, filled it up with some of the pool water and scooped out some of the tadpoles.  I would say at least 25 or more are in the container.

     The container is now on our front deck, where the little ones have put grass and rocks in it for the tadpoles.  They have made them a “comfy little home” according to my daughter.

     I had to google what to feed them, for I had never raised tadpoles before.  It was quite interesting to find out this is a habit for many people.  They were pages of information on how to raise tadpoles.  But we are doing everything the websites were saying to do, create a habitat, provide rocks for algae to grow, grass, and leaves.

     My daughter and son are so excited to see them growing, and they have grew quite a bit since putting them in the container.  Although I’m not sure on what we are going to do when they become frogs.


385 Words

10 minutes

1 comment:

  1. We have had so much rain here recently. That is neat that you are raising tadpoles now! I have never raised them before.
